MedPark Regeneration First


We would like to inform you about MedPark's participation in exhibitions, seminars, and news.

MedPark One Day Class

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MedPark One Day Class with SGS.

On March 28, 2024, MedPark hosted a successful one day class attended by 24 prominent doctors with SGS from Georgia.

The event included a lecture by Prof. Hyun seung Shin and a tour of the MedPark factory in Seoul, 

allowing participants to witness the product production process and experience the S1 product firsthand.

MedPark aims to engage with more customers through diverse events in the future and appreciates continued interest.

We express our gratitude to everyone who attended this one day seminar. 

Additionally, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all SGS personnel for their hard work.

Thank you.



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